Finding the best broadband provider
in Devon
Do you live in rural Devon and suffer with slow broadband speeds? There is a solution - and one that's available almost immediately.
Find out how to get the best broadband in rural Devon from the UK's leading specialist provider.
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Fast broadband in rural Devon
Getting the best connection means finding the right provider
Between Cornwall and Dorset sits sunny Devon. Devon is all about sandwiches on the beach, surf-ready waves, and leisurely rambles along coastal trails. With its picturesque countryside and stunning coastlines, this southwest county is justifiably nicknamed 'the English riviera'.

But what about Devon's broadband?
Ofcom has revealed that over 385,000 homes in the UK experience broadband speeds under the national minimum standard of 10 Mbps. In Devon alone, over 19,000 households can't get broadband speeds running at that minimum level and around half of these properties are in less densely populated rural parts of the county. So if you live in places such as Tavistock, Great Torrington or Ivybridge, you may be struggling to find a decent landline-based broadband service.
Why do rural communities tend to have such slow broadband?
Compared to urban areas, rural Britain frequently lacks access to good quality broadband. Installing landline-based high speed broadband infrastructure is very expensive, so more sparsely populated rural regions are all too often stuck with sluggish internet access. The so-called Digital Divide refers to this disadvantageous gap in digital connectivity between urban and rural areas.
Most UK properties receive their broadband connection via a copper landline from a streetside cabinet which is connected to the internet by fibreoptic cables. Multiple homes and businesses can be connected to the same cabinet. You can look forward to broadband speeds of around 60 to 70 Mbps, provided that your property is close to the cabinet serving it. However if you live in a rural area where the cabinet is very liable to be further away, you may well experience problems with your broadband connection and quickly become frustrated with slow or intermittent internet.
When the cabinet that serves your property is more than a kilometre away, issues are bound to arise. In such circumstances, the broadband signals travelling up and down the lengthy copper landline inevitably weaken due to something called attenuation. This equally inevitably leads to much reduced broadband performance and an agonisingly slow internet connection.
There is a traditional solution, but...
The only way to fix this from a landline broadband point of view is for a second cabinet to be put in closer to your property. However this is an extremely time-consuming and expensive process that typically costs tens of thousands of pounds and takes months to complete. And so infrastructure providers won't bother taking such steps if it's only going to help a small number of homes, because it just wouldn't be commercially advantageous for them to do so.
This explains exactly why very sluggish internet speeds are far more common for rural homes and businesses - and why they're not likely to see a landline-based solution being provided any time soon. And in turn that's why more isolated households and companies are left digitally deprived and unable to enjoy the wealth of advantages that a fast broadband service offers.
To find out more, visit our 'The Digital Divide explained' page.
How can National Broadband help?
We are broadband specialists committed to helping rural communities get the best possible broadband service. We care just as much about connecting up rural communities and properties with the slowest current internet speeds to fast 4G broadband as we do about providing urban homes and businesses with ultrafast 5G broadband.
No matter where people may live or work, we believe that everyone should have access to the best broadband connection possible for their particular location and we are committed to delivering this. At National Broadband we do that by providing our customers with a bespoke solution to their broadband problems.

What is 4G broadband and what makes it the most effective internet solution for rural areas?
The frequencies that the mobile networks use to transmit data via phone masts are known as 4G. That's what smartphones use to allow their users to get online when they're out and about, without relying in any way on wires or cables.
But with the right equipment, 4G can also be used to supply speedy and stable broadband to a single fixed location such as a home or business.
For rural households and companies, our fast 4G broadband solves the issue of slow internet. By using 4G networks, it provides properties with a quick and reliable broadband service - pretty much anywhere and pretty much immediately.
Faster rural broadband is almost always available, no matter where you may be located
You might assume that a 4G broadband service won't work for you because your smartphone only picks up weak 4G where you are... but that's not necessarily the case at all and here's why.
First off, because we deal with all the UK's major mobile network operators, we will carefully choose the one offering the best 4G coverage at your specific location. What's more, the 4G router we supply is much more receptive to 4G signals than any smartphone, so for many of our customers, that's all the equipment they'll need. However, even if you live in a location where the available 4G coverage is weak or flaky... we can still help with our rural broadband solutions.
What makes all the difference is the small but highly effective outdoor 4G antenna that we supply and install whenever necessary. This high gain unit lets us provide speedy and dependable rural broadband over 4G even in locations with very weak signal levels. In short, our antenna optimises the performance of 4G broadband, no matter where your property may be.
Lots of our customers have been very pleasantly surprised by the high quality 4G broadband they get after we install one of our outdoor antennas at their property. It's this which enables us to supply fast and reliable broadband in areas where mobile phones don't work well due to poor 4G coverage.
Learn more about our 4G antenna, our installation service and the other equipment we provide to deliver the best broadband performance possible to properties in more rural and remote locations.
Why National Broadband?
Are you worried about whether our 4G or 5G broadband solutions will work for you? Or maybe you've already been disappointed by promises made, then promptly broken by other suppliers? Well, we're so confident in what we do that we put our money where our mouth is.
Try us out for 14 days, and we'll give you a full refund if we don't deliver the broadband speeds you've hoped for. Here's more detail on our no quibble Money Back Guarantee.
That's complete peace of mind, so there's literally nothing to lose. Get in contact with us right away!
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